Hotel ICON - Credit Card Restaurant Offers

Hotel ICON

[CNY Pudding Offer] 15% off

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Hotel Dining
Offer Details

1. HK$278 for Black Truffle Turnip Pudding with Yunnan Ham and Preserved Meat (900g per box) (Original price: HK$328)
It incorporates precious black truffle, enhancing the sweetness of the turnip with its intense aroma. The savoury notes of preserved meat create a lingering taste that delights traditional flavour enthusiasts. Guests seeking an authentic taste experience should not miss out on this culinary delight.
2. HK$278 for Taro Pudding with Sakura Shrimp, Conpoy and Preserved Meat (900g per box) (Original price: $328)
It is prepared with a traditional recipe featuring authentic Japanese sakura shrimp and conpoy, adding a delightful fragrance and texture. Locally sourced sun-dried preserved meat further enriches the flavour, while the silky taro adds layers of aroma and mouthfeel.
3. HK$278 for New Year Pudding with Brown Sugar and Ginger (900g per box) (Original price: $328)
It is an excellent choice for gifting during the festive season. This delectable treat offers a sweet and non-greasy experience, as it steamed with ginger juice, Okinawa black sugar, and glutinous rice paste. Infused with the flavors of red dates and melon seeds, its chewy texture and the unique aroma of black sugar and ginger bring an exceptional experience to all.

Offer Valid till: January 27, 2025

Offer is applicable for Citi Cards issued in these countries : Hong Kong

Hotel ICON
Hotel ICON, 17 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong