The Kowloon Hotel - Loong Yat Heen - Credit Card Restaurant Offers

The Kowloon Hotel - Loong Yat Heen

[CNY Pudding Offer] Up to 65%

Get this offer with any Citi Card

Hotel Dining
Offer Details

1. 25% discount for 1 box, 30% discount for 2-3 boxes and 35% discount for 4 boxes or above
Turnip Pudding with Sakura Shrimp (original price HK$368/box), Taro Pudding with Conpoy (orginal price HK$368/box) and Okinawa Brown Sugar Coconut Sticky Rice Pudding (orginal price HK$268/box)

2. Special price at HK$438/each Assorted Combo Set"
Assorted Combo Set including Either 1box of Turnip Pudding with Sakura Shrimp OR Taro Pudding with Conpoy and 1 bottle of Loong Yat Heen XO Chilli Sauce.

3. Special price at HK$768/each "Chinese New Year Hamper"
Chinese New Year Hamper including either 1 box of Turnip Pudding with Sakura Shrimp OR Taro Pudding with Conpoy, 1 box of Okinawa Brown Sugar and Coconut Sticky Rice Pudding, 1 bottle of Loong Yat Heen XO Chilli Sauce, 1 bottle of Loong Yat Heen Amber Walnut and 1 bottle of House Red Wine.

Offer Valid till: January 28, 2025

Offer is applicable for Citi Cards issued in these countries : Hong Kong

The Kowloon Hotel - Loong Yat Heen
2/F, 19-21 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Hong Kong