Indulge in the World’s Fur-st Dog Cruise™
Attention all dog lovers, welcome to the world’s first Dog Cruise! Get ready for the ultimate dog friendly dining experience with your furry friends aboard one of the most unique Singapore attractions: the Royal Albatross!
Now you can dine with your furkids out on the open sea aboard Dog Cruise! Your furry companion will be treated as esteemed members of the family, with a specially curated 3-course meal sponsored by PetCubes.
15% off Dog Cruise
Promo Code: Citi15
The Ultimate Cat Luxury
This extraordinary, feline-friendly dinner cruise puts your fur baby centre stage, alongside your table, to indulge in a gourmet dinner (humans only), sunset sea views, mellow entertainment and fur-family togetherness. Cats and kitties get to experience the ultimate in cat luxury, their own designer private “Catbana” cabin with a guaranteed sea view.
15% off Cat Cruise
Promo Code: Citi15
15% off all Royal Albatross dine and sail experiences – Sunset Dinner Cruise, City Lights Dinner Cruise, Breakfast Cruise, Sunset Dinner Cruise (Dog Friendly) and Sunset Dinner Cruise (Cat friendly)
Berlaku hingga: 31 Maret 2025
Penawaran berlaku untuk Kartu Kredit Citi yang diterbitkan di negara sebagai berikut : Singapore
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