顯示地方優惠 Melbourne - ZHT
Nam Ho Travel - Credit Card 旅遊 Offers

Nam Ho Travel

Spend and Get


- Spend a minimum of SGD2,500 to get a 20” New Yorker luggage
- Spend a minimum of SGD3,500 to get a 24” New Yorker luggage
- Spend a minimum of SGD4,800 to get a 28” New Yorker luggage
(while stocks last)

優惠期至: 2024年6月30日

優惠只適用由花旗銀行有限公司於以下地區所發行之Citi信用卡 : Singapore

Nam Ho Travel
1 Park Road, #04-61 People's Park Complex, Singapore
新加坡 - 059108