씨티카드로 사용하세요
[Flight offer]
HKD50 off upon spending of HKD2,000 ;
HKD100 off upon spending of HKD4,000 ;
HKD150 off upon spending of HKD6,000 ;
HKD200 off upon spending of HKD8,000 ;
on flight bookings through Trip.com designated page or App using promo code [CITI2025F]
[Hotel offer]
8% instant discount on hotel bookings through Trip.com designated page using promo code [CITI2025H]
*Enter Trip.com designated page* https://hk.trip.com/sale/5545/citibank.html?locale=en_hk&curr=hkd&allianceid=3929073&sid=23265071 now to enjoy the offers!
*Enter Trip.com App*
Book via app by entering promo code(s) in the search box and select "Citi Credit Card Offer"!
Flight offer: Applicable to adult flight ticket fare only and is not applicable to taxes and other surcharges, and is applicable to air tickets for global routes, but excluding domestic flights in China
Hotel offer: Applicable to prepaid room of global hotels for its room rates and taxes only
유효기간: 2025년 12월 31일
해당 국가에서 발급된 씨티카드에 한해서 혜택이 제공됩니다. : Hong Kong
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